I rare rabbits at home and for a few days after cleaning up and giving them the last meal of the day, there was always a frog that would seemingly be waiting for me at the kitchen door. SPOOKY!
I have no clue whether it was the same frog or different frogs, it was just funny that the moment I spotted it, it would jump away in a hurry. Some people actually prefer this type of living, skipping some processes and doing what it takes to get ahead faster.
My mentor says, ‘Respect the process’. WHY???? The process will groom you to achieve success and stay there. Have you heard of business owners starting their children at the low entry level jobs before they are given bigger posts in the company? This is so that the kids now the ins and outs of the company.
Need another example? Have you heard of someone that cheated through an exam, come out with top colours only to be fired at the job because they are qualified to do the work. Shortcuts may get you there faster but it will take more effort to keep your success.
Another example. Diets. Diets. Diets. Diets! If you go a weight loss diet that enables you to lose weight fast and you do not acquire the appetite or will power to eat healthy then you are at risk of gaining more weight than you lost.
Don’t try cut the progress. Stick to it, master what you can from it and grow from the experience. It will serve you well in the future.

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